View and manage the project portfolio in a hybrid spreadsheet/graphical workspace.
Segment the project portfolio and analyze allocation, cost and performance by program, category, customer etc.
Adjust project schedules with simple drag-and-drop gestures.
Perform real-time capacity analysis, save and compare scheduling scenarios.
Evaluate the merits of each project using a combination of performance and strategic alignment criteria.
Analyze portfolio statistics and resource allocation/utilization schedules aggregated in real time.
Strike a balance between project schedules, priorities and resource capacity and cost.
Collect project proposals from teams and departments or use a centralized project initiation process.
Demand Management and Capacity Planning
Measure capacity demand and quantify the necessary capacity adjustments.
Generate hiring/redundancy plans.
Compare the resource allocation plan against actual effort, improve future planning accuracy.
Analyze resource allocation and availability in real time at the portfolio level.
Schedule projects manually or automatically for optimum resource allocation within the existing capacity constraints.
Assign resources explicitly or automatically based on existing requirements and availability.
Record the evolution of resource allocation at the project and portfolio level.
Measure the deviation of current resource allocation and utilization from original plans.
Time Tracking
Review and approve timesheets containing team members' worked hours and time off.
Timesheet submission and approval workflow with configurable submission and approval policy.
Maintain schedule and budget control with resource utilization figures aggregated automatically from timesheets.
View real-time task and project completion forecasts based on hours worked to date vs. planned effort.
Compare the work performed vs. original allocation plans at the project and portfolio level.
Generate labor reports for customer or inter-departmental billing.
Cost and Budget Management
Measure labor costs using individual resource rates and average rates for unfilled requirements.
Forecast and track labor and non-labor costs. Define and manage cost centers and expense categories.
Manage cost estimates, budgets, actual costs, cash flows, etc.
Forecast project and portfolio performance (ROI, NPV, IRR, payback etc).
Adjust budgets based on current estimates or actuals.
Collaboration and Document Management
Assign general-scope or project-specific action items to team members and track their completion.
Share documents publicly or inside individual projects or business cases.
Control the visibility of public and attached documents.
Enter progress updates quickly and easily. Request updates from team members for pending tasks.
Receive automatic e-mail notifications when certain events occur.
Manage individual e-mail notification subscriptions.
Configurable assignment request and approval workflows.
Configurable timesheet approval and allocation adjustment request workflows.
Technology & Integration
Powerful and intuitive desktop-like interface based exclusively on web standards.
Zero reliance on browser plugins such as Flash, Silverlight etc.
Compatible with a wide range of platforms. Accessible from Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, iOS, Android, etc.
Secure data storage and communication between browser and server (256 bit SSL).
Import/export project schedules from/to Microsoft Project and compatible applications.
Import project schedules from structured spreadsheets (Excel or text) using cut-and-paste.
Export project milestones and task schedules into Outlook and other Calendar applications.
Export data directly into Microsoft Excel or Word. Download charts for use in off-line reports and documents.
Extract raw or pre-processed system data for use in Excel, external databases or BI tools.
See how TaskTwo PPM can help improve your organization's efficiency and agility ...